Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences

Shore Families,

We will hold one night of Parent/Guardian - Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 6 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  All conferences will be in person format only.  We will continue to schedule our conferences using PTCFast, an online scheduling service. 

Use the following link to schedule your conferences:


All conferences will be 5 minutes in length.  We will NOT be holding team conferences for this session in grades 6 and 7 like we did in the fall.  Conferences will be with individual teachers in all grade levels.


A printable schedule will be emailed to you immediately after you submit your requests with each teacher’s location in the building.  Please schedule your conference times to allow for transition time in the building.  It is suggested that you don’t schedule back to back conferences.  A typical conference schedule may look like this:  English with (teacher name) 5:00 PM - 5:05 PM,  Math with (teacher name) 5:16 PM - 5:21 PM, Science with (teacher name) 5:40 PM - 5:48 PM, etc.  It is imperative that you arrive on-time and keep to the allotted conference timeframe.  This process will alleviate the waiting in lines and should allow for a more valuable conversation with your child’s teacher.   Conferences do NOT need to be scheduled with your child’s Advisory teacher.


There will not be “walk-up” conferences, so please schedule your conference as soon as possible or call the main office for assistance.  We look forward to seeing you at Parent/Guardian - Teacher Conferences.