We want to take a moment to acknowledge the awesome job our Shore Wrestling Team has been doing throughout the 2021-2022 wrestling season. Our wrestlers have committed to excellence and worked hard daily. They recently wrestled in our Greater Cleveland Conference Tournament and overall we had 8 placers, and a few wrestlers who were only one match away from placing. The results were as follows.
- 4th place Finishers: Lavin Cardoza - 104 pounds weight class, Colin Bohinc -110 pounds weight class, Thomas Clark - 134 pounds weight class, and Ryan Wilson 245 pounds weight class.
- 3rd Place Finisher: Ryan Sharp - 122 pounds Weight Class.
- 2nd Place Finishers: Brody Sweigert - 80 pounds weight class and Brian Pierce 142 pounds weight class.
- 1st Place finisher and GCC Champion: Landon Opatrny - 92 pounds weight class.
- Keep up the great work Shore Wrestlers! You've come such a long way! Your coaches and Shore community are very proud of you! Continue to focus on the process. Dedication Determination Hard Work Together!